2021.01a http://support.bryston.com/downloads/sp3/firmware/readme.txt http://support.bryston.com/downloads/sp3/firmware/RelNotes.htm http://support.bryston.com/downloads/sp3/firmware/SP3.bin Production release. Notes: 1) After the upgrade, allow it to execute user configuration reset 2) If it loses network connection after the upgrade, then the following parameter may need to be set again: SYSTEM SETUP-->MISCELLANEOUS-->DHCP CLIENT Auto IP, in case if it reverted to "Static". 3) This revision auto-detects both old and new USB and HDMI hardware options. 4) SP3 forum, documents and support files are linked in: http://support.bryston.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=195 5) It is recommended to update the on-line server path in the Setup tab of the web graphic user interface (web GUI) from the old path to the following: http://support.bryston.com/downloads/sp3/firmware/ After copy and pasting the new path, click on "Save and Reboot" button then wait about 30s for the new configuration to be saved. 6) Use SP3.bin file name for older units manufactured before 2/2017. For newer units shipped after that date, specify file name SP3_mpfs22.bin