Raspberry DAC+ / BrystonPI


22-04-2016 09:08:37


Missed this before: https://www.hifiberry.com/2016/03/visit ... lon-audio/ nice!

Starting to build my own Raspberry just for fun, i need to decide to go for the Digi+ or DAC+ option. The latter would spare me the extra DAC also, so would be an even bigger jump in cost and complexity compared to the big setup of BDA and BDP.

100 E and about for a complete hires system is worth the try isn't it? Can connect to the BP26 directly and to my older Quad set which doesn't have a Dac yet, to stream minim server on the NAS. Volumio even has native AirPlay support which is a nice extra.

Or, am i missing something here? This Raspberry DAC+version will be able to act as the renderer, and decode into the Amp directly? As described with the DIGI+ on http://www.hifizine.com/2015/10/pifi-ho ... ry-part-1/


Chris Rice

25-04-2016 15:40:08

I can't say we have ever looked at the dac+, but i see no reason why it wouldn't work with one of pre-amps. I believe there DAC+ is also configured to have volume control via ALSA so if your careful you could potentially just run leads into an AMP, but i personally would be a bit weary of accidentally playing music back at full gain.



28-04-2016 07:25:41

Thanks Chris,

i will further investigate...
didnt even realize that to be an issue ;-)

It would indeed be my intended use, the Raspberry+dac+ as a source into the amp.

btw, sorry for posting in the wrong thread, i just noticed. Please move to another if you feel it is more appropriate.
