Scratch Space


17-04-2015 14:57:19

Quick question: how much scratch space should I make available? In other words, if I add a USB flash drive for scratch space, what's a good size?


18-04-2015 06:30:30

you don't need much. i allocated 15gb as scratch to my 500gb hard drive. I have about 300-350 (800+ albums) gb of flac files loaded. Of the 15gb allocated to scratch, 304 MB is used.


18-04-2015 06:34:06

Thanks. I powered down, removed the USB flash drive and noticed about 2GB being used (out of 128) so I am good to go.


18-04-2015 06:43:12

great. Chris or Gary may be able to you a more definitive answer, but that's how my numbers lined up. my stuff isn't heavily tagged. my JRiver stuff is throughly tagged, but not so much on the Bryston BDP-1 (hard drive).


19-04-2015 18:56:03

I went back though the MM manual and found:

"Allow between 1-5 gigabytes of free space depending on the size of your library."

...which should be the definitive answer :-)

Thanks for your help,
