Issue with BDP-2 and DSD


28-09-2014 01:09:35


I seem to having some issues with my BDP-2 and DSD via DoP over USB. The system works flawlessly when I let the songs naturally progress at ending. The issue is that when I skip a track it seems to disrupt the music flow. My DAC has issues locking back on to the signal, and there is approximately 10 seconds before music starts streaming again normally.

Is this issue inherent with the current state of the BDP-2? If not, is there something I can do to remedy this? My DAC maker (dCS) says that they weren't aware of the issue on other streamers, so they are thinking it is on the source side.

Any thoughts/comments?

Gary Dayton

29-09-2014 16:34:04

Hi bk12,

This is the first I've heard of this fault. Will you please post what version and build-date of firmware you're using? Will you also induce the fault, then share the data at the end of the MPD log with us so we can see if an error is registered? Is the music stored on a drive attached via USB to the player or on an NAS?

--Gary / Bryston


30-09-2014 00:25:38

Hi Gary,

My firmware information is as-follows:

S2.05 2014-08-18
Build: Manic Moose
MPD: 0.17.5
Kernel: 3.12-0.bpo.1-486

How can I get you the MPD log? Please let me know how to get that to you and we will go from there.


Gary Dayton

30-09-2014 15:11:46

Before we go into your MPD Log, try changing the MPD version to 0.18.6. Enter the web user interface. At the bottom of the home screen is a series of settings. click MPD. There should be a dropdown that currently says 0.17.5. Change that to 0.18.6. Click Apply, then restart your player. Try playing some DSD files now, and see if the issue still pops up.

--Gary / Bryston


02-10-2014 04:24:16

Hi Gary,

I played around with the boxes...and found an issue in my setup. I have confirmed the BDP-2 works great, thanks for the help! Great product.

Gary Dayton

02-10-2014 19:20:25