Having trouble with BDP-1USB


08-10-2015 00:38:55

I'm a new owner of a Bryston BDP1 and was enjoying it last night with the stock firmware, but wasn't very impressed with the web based control, so I upgraded the firmware (I am now running S2.18 2015-09-29).

Before the firmware update, I was listening to audio via a jump drive and everything sounded great. Now, after the firmware update, nothing happens when I hit play; I can still go into the folder and scroll through the songs, but there's no longer any audio. I've tried two jump drives to no avail. Also, the NAS Setup will allow me to find the NAS Drive, but when I go to select the "Share", there's nothing listed. I attempted to utilize the "Reset to Factory" option, but it's not working either. Any suggestions?

Chris Rice

08-10-2015 00:42:16


Is your dac listed under audio devices? When you click play does it begin indicating that it's playing or does it remain stopper or paused?



08-10-2015 00:51:28

There are two red items listed under Audio Devices and neither of them are enabled:

ESI Juli@ - ICE1724
ESI Juli@ - ICE1724 IEC958

I am unable to select or enable them.

Oh, and thanks for the speedy reply. I really appreciate it! :D

Chris Rice

08-10-2015 01:12:06

Red means the BDP see's the audio device, but they arn't in the MPD (playback software) config file. It's likley occurring due to something preventing MPD from starting, quickest resolution would to place the BDP into service mode and emaile the service id. More info can be found on page24 of the manic moose manual.



08-10-2015 01:23:02

I reset the network and the service mode started, email on the way.