I give it a try.


24-09-2014 15:00:07

Well, I give the Bryston-only forum a try. I hope I will find here all the information I can get about the SP3 (or any other Bryston equipment I may buy).
For the SP3 I am interested especially in new firmware and new hardware. Since I have a SP3 (february 2012) I have done quite a few updates of the firmware, which made the SP3 better and better. So my thanks to every one of Bryston and particularly to Stan.


28-09-2014 02:27:08

I agree - happy to give this forum a go, perhaps using Audiocircle for more "social" chat, but it will need to be useful/informative. Things I've been frustrated by, so would really welcome, include:

- updates on firmware, including release notes so we know whether to adopt or wait
- more "technical" info about the units that aren't in the manual, including diagnostics
- any hints or tips for making the most of these great pieces of kit
