MPD Version


22-10-2014 21:34:12

Can you please give us the differences between MPD V 17.5 and V 18.6?
It seems that on my BDP-1 17.5 is much more stable not having given time to 18.6 for safe conclusions though..

By the way the new firmware 2014-10-07 is much faster!

Chris Rice

08-12-2014 18:59:20


22-08-2015 17:32:32

My music collection contains a lot of DSD files, so I would like to update MPD on my BDP-1 to 0.18.21 and take advantage of the improvements that Chris alluded to above.

My problem is that I cannot find a way to persuade the BDP to perform the update. I can see three MPD versions in the dropdown list on the Music Player Daemon settings panel (one of which – 0.19.9 – is incompatible with my tired old hardware). I can select 0.18.21 from the list and it "sticks" when the list undrops. The only "Apply" button visible on the page is in the section; so I touch it anyway and it turns blue. But when I restart the BDP (using the power button on the front panel), it stubbornly reloads MPD 0.17.6. Note that I press the power button without changing anything on my web browser view.

If, however, I navigate to any other of the settings panels then return to the Music Player Daemon panel before restarting the BDP, I notice that 0.17.6 is again selected. Is that because the panel rechecks the currently loaded version every time the panel is invoked, or is it a sign that my desired update request has not been added to the startup queue? I have also tried the "Reboot BDP" button on the System settings panel with equal lack of success; but I have no way of knowing whether leaving the Music Player Daemon panel might of itself somehow cancel my MPD update request.

Is there another "Apply" button on the MPD settings panel that my browser is not displaying? I have tried the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox on OS X 10.10.5, and the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Atomic Web on iOS 8.4.1, with identical results.