DLNA Renderer Volume Always 75


01-05-2015 16:12:35

Experimenting with DLNA Renderer functionality with the BDP-1, using: S2.11 2015-04-24, Build: Manic Moose, MPD: 0.17.6 NEWS, Kernel: 3.16-0.bpo.2-486

The DLNA server is MinimServer (latest build) on a Mac Mini with both BubbleUPnP and Kazoo as control points (latest versions of both).

I noticed with the last official release version of Manic Moose that the DLNA Control points report the renderer's volume to be 75 / 100 (i.e. the BDP-1). In the past, I could dial the volume up to 100 (and, yes, it would get louder).

With the latest BETA, the volume remains fixed - which would be great, if the volume were 100 / 100.

Not sure why you are digitally attenuating the volume for a source device, but it would be great if the volume would *start* at max (100 / 100).



Chris Rice

02-05-2015 01:50:08

are you using usb? to be honest dlna feature is of very low priority and was likely just overlooked


02-05-2015 04:40:47

No, I am not using USB. I've tried it, for curiosity's sake, but I use BNC / SPDIF, exclusively.

Other than the volume issue, it seems to work well.

Chris Rice

08-05-2015 00:52:55

Well I did play around wih the dlna renderer today and noticed it defaulted to 75% as you mentioned. I was testing it with plug player on my iPhone and was able to change the volume. I didn't notice any simple way of disabling the volume, but I did see i could default to a 100%. Today's beta has this change, so it should default to 100%.



08-05-2015 03:29:52

Verified fixed.

Nice work, Chris.