DLNA Renderer Not Releasing Audio Device?


07-05-2015 05:48:17

I am not sure about the cause, but if I play some tracks via DLNA, stop playback and clear the queue, and then I switch back to the MM UI and play something, the UI will show the track playing but there is no sound. This is repeatable and recovery seems to require a reboot of the BDP-1. My hunch is that the DLNA renderer is not releasing the audio device.

System: BDP-1
S2.11 2015-04-24
Build: Manic Moose
MPD: 0.17.6 NEWS
Kernel: 3.16-0.bpo.2-486

Chris Rice

08-05-2015 00:47:27

Your right and it is expected behaviour


08-05-2015 02:27:33

Thank you for the clarification: reboot if changing playback from DLNA renderer to MPD.

Chris Rice

08-05-2015 18:17:45