Scratch Disk, Artist View v2, DB enable in S2.20 2015-11-20


16-12-2015 13:57:26

Howdy Folks,
Is the use of a Scratch Disk still useful in Firmware Ver S2.20 2015-11-20?
(I thought i read somewhere that it was not....just want to confirm).

I notice new Options in the Media Player Settings like Artist View v2 and Bryston DB enable. What do these things do?

NOTE: I have BDP-2 with a large collection of music on an internal 1TB SSD Drive. I have NEVER been able to get Artist view to work.


Chris Rice

18-12-2015 17:36:16

Scratch drive is still useful for caching cover art from Tidal. Bryston DB enables the artist view, but cover art is now generated on the same drive (and folder) that the music resides. Artist View v2 is simply some additional css styles that are added to the artist view, i havn't had a chance to test with all major devices; for the time its an option.
